We understand that the decision to divorce your spouse is stressful. The decision to return to Court and seek a modification of child support or custody order is stressful. Any decision to involve a domestic relations attorney in your life is one that can affect your entire family and finances for the foreseeable future. We believe in preparing your case and seeking the most beneficial settlement possible with the least amount of time, expense and worry. There are times, however, when settlement is just not possible. If you find yourself in that position, you can rest assured that we will diligently prepare your case and you personally for the experience of litigation. With our firm, you will know where you case has been, where it is currently situated and where it is going.
Our job is to listen to you and evaluate your case. Our job is to ensure that you are heard and your goals considered in a deliberate and thoughtful manner. We evaluate your goals, the facts of your case and the law and develop a plan for your case. We have handled litigation involving the all manners of domestic disputes and believe we can be of assistance to you.